Forum 20 Archive, 03/05/19, Perth
The 20th Transafe WA Road Transport Industry Safety Forum was held in Perth on Friday 3 May, 2019.
“Great cross-the-board industry representation from transport companies through to regulators – and their presentations have provided six pages of information I can bring through to my training. Awesome day!”
“Really enjoyed the day. Information sharing was invaluable and motivating.”
“Niomi and Symon were my favourite topics. Shows why safety in the industry is so important.”
The event was generously sponsored by MTData
A copy of the event AGENDA can be viewed here.
Presentations from the day have been made available thanks to our speakers:
Road Safety Overview presented by Teresa Williams for the WA Road Safety Commission
MT Data – Approaches to Safety presented by Mark Rodrigues
Skills shortage – an update presented by Cam Dumesny of Western Roads Federation