Truck Emergency Breakdown & Roadside Safety
A Guide to Main Roads Rest Areas and Roadside Amenities
This guide lists the rest areas and amenities Main Roads provide on 17 major routes to enable you to manage fatigue whilst travelling. Maps in the guide are not to scale and should only be used as a supplement to other sources of route information.
A Guide to Main Roads Rest Areas and Roadside Amenities
A Guide to Main Roads Rest Areas and Roadside Amenities – map
Truck Emergency Breakdown and Roadside Safety Guidelines
Safety around incapacitated trucks on the roadside is a significant safety issue which has confronted the transport industry and the wider community.
The aim of this guide is to share guidance in order to eliminate or reduce the potential for injuries where vehicle and people interaction occurs when attending a broken down truck on the roadside up to the point of requiring towing.
This guidance material has been developed by industry to assist employers, drivers and mechanical service providers to implement effective controls to prevent drivers and other people being injured during the repair of broken down trucks by the roadside.
It reflects the outcomes of engagement within workplaces across the supply chain in identifying the ‘do’s’ and ‘do not’s’ of effective separation of people and passing vehicles.
To view the TEBARS Truck Emergency Breakdown and Roadside Safety 2013 Guidelines – CLICK HERE.
The guidelines were developed as a specific request from the Victorian Transport Association’s On-Road Operators Group. Following identification of a major safety issue around trucks in breakdown situations, a group of experienced industry and WorkSafe Victoria representatives worked together over a number of years to complete this guideline. It was endorsed by the Victorian Transport Industry Safety Group on 10/7/13.